domingo, 30 de junio de 2013


In order to get the desired results for this research essay, I elaborated a survey in which I asked college students, from the University of Texas Pan-American, to respond some questions related to the experiences that they have lived before with a roommate, no matter how good or bad the experience was.
One of the conclusions, made by Hall and Willerman in their article, is that, roommates were more likely to attend organizations or events in which their roommates were involved. And finally, the major hypothesis founded in their results was that, "students living with high academic [roommates] would study more and obtain better grades, than matched students living with low academic [roommates] ". 
The most popular idea that people claims about the college experience and its benefits is the maturity. Of course is a benefit that students get from college experience, but let say that part of that maturity comes from the experience of share a room in a dormitory with someone else. People mature because it is in the human nature, but it is common to see that students who are more mature are those who live away from home and have roommates. That is because students learn to live with other persons, and they also learn to be more independent. The idea of mature in students became the investigation topic that T. Dary Erwin, from Texas A&M University, did in his work entitled “The Influence of Roommate Assignments upon Student’s Maturity”. 
Now, the video that I’m going to present you below is an example of how students tend to influence others about their personality. Of course, there are lots of examples to explain how a roommate can influence other in their study habits, in the way that they eat, their hobbits, others. This is just a funny example that I decided to choose to explain in an exaggerated way how the personality of a student can change depending on the student who is his/her roommate

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